The Glass–Steagall legislation describes four provisions of the United States Banking Act of 1933 separating commercial and investment banking. [1] The article 1933 Banking Act describes the …
Henry Bascom Steagall (May 19, 1873 – November 22, 1943) was a United States representative from Alabama. He was chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency and in 1933, he …
2024年1月25日 · Glass-Steagall aimed to prevent a repeat of the 1929 stock market crash and the wave of commercial bank failures. Signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt …
2013年11月22日 · The Glass-Steagall Act effectively separated commercial banking from investment banking and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, among other …
2018年3月15日 · By June 16, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Glass-Steagall Act into law as part of a series of measures adopted during his first 100 days to restore the …
2016年1月19日 · Congress effected a separation of commercial and investment banking through four sections of the Banking Act of 1933—Sections 16, 20, 21, and 32. These four statutory …
2015年10月14日 · What is the Glass-Steagall Act, why do the candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley want to reinstate it, and how did it come to star in a presidential debate in 2015?