Fakaofo, formerly known as Bowditch Island, is a South Pacific Ocean atoll located in the Tokelau Group. The actual land area is only about 3 km 2 (1.1 sq mi), consisting of islets on a coral …
Tokelau includes three atolls in the South Pacific Ocean between longitudes 171° W and 173° W and between latitudes 8° S and 10° S, about midway between Hawaii and New Zealand. From …
Oct 8, 2013 · A tokelauan song sung by the Fakaofo kauhiva at the recent Tournament held in Nukunonu 2013.I don't know who composed this song but it's one of my favourite ...
Fakaofo is a village on Fakaofo atoll in Tokelau. It is located to the north-west of the atoll. It is notable for its monument which is a coral slab personifying Tui Tokelau, a god once …
Jan 26, 2020 · Drone footage of Fakaofo, a low-lying atoll of Tokelau. Tokelau's other motu (atolls) include Nukunonu and Atafu. About 1,500 Tokelauans live on these atolls...
After winning the last war over Nukunonu and Atafu, Fakaofo became widely known as the chiefly island of Tokelau. As part of the punishment Nukunonu and Atafu would bring gifts to Tui …
Most visitors are Tokelauans or Tokelaun descendants visiting from New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii. Transport to and from Tokelau is by sea on fortnightly boat services from the closest …
Fakaofo atoll is twofold exceptional. First of all a huge solar array constructed in 2015 provides all the island's electricity. Besides they took up the fight with the elements of the nature....
Tokelau is a non-self-governing territory of New Zealand consisting of three coral atolls in the South Pacific: Atafu, Nukunonu, and Fakaofo. These atolls lie approximately mid-way between …